Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Does my child get a uniform?
Yes, our Spring Club League: Minis and Youth all fees include a jersey, shorts, and socks. In our Excelsior Academy, 2 pairs of Adidas shorts and 2 pairs of Adidas socks are included. Game day jerseys are loaned out for the season. Excelsior Academy Training jerseys need to be purchased separately.
How can I order additional PFC jerseys, warm-up jacket, socks and pants?
Through the Soccer Express website, www.soccerx.com, they supply us with all our club wear. You will need to create an account and then select Pinnacles FC as your club so all items ordered will then come with the Pinnacles FC logo on it.
How many games will we get?
Depending on the league you are registered in and the length of the season:
Club Youth –up to 10-15 games District – up to 10-15
How can I become a volunteer coach?
Please contact our admin office pinnaclesfc.office1@gmail.com.
Can I pay by cash?
No, we do not accept cash; you can pay online through our website or in the office by Interac.
If my son/daughter registers late, do we get a discount for missed games and/or practices?
No, late registrations actually end up costing more in admin than on- time registrations.
Why is the cost more from Soccer Tots and U5/6 Tykes and U7/8 Minis in the Spring Season?
Soccer Tots and Tykes is an introduction to soccer and is only once a week. U7U8 Minis is one training session per week and learning about games on the weekend. Minis also receive a full uniform (jersey, shorts, and socks)
Where are the fields?
Please see our website page for PFC fields in your area: http://www.pinnaclesfc.ca/about/field-locations/
How often do you have to travel – for Youth and for Mini?
Youth players play in the South Okanagan only, so they will play in Summerland, Oliver, Osoyoos, Penticton and Keremeos.
When are the practice times for Youth ages?
Youth team practices are all decided by the volunteer coach in consultation with his/her team (parents and players). They will practice a minimum of 1 day a week.
Who do I make the cheque out to?
Cheques can be made out to ‘Pinnacles FC’
Are there any penalties for late registration?
As of Spring 2023, we will be lowering the late fee to $50 above the regular registration fee. We understand that on the surface this may seem excessive, however, when we have approximately 1500 players to contend with it is far too difficult to find extra coaches, equipment, and jerseys after our initial organization and ordering.
Our goal is to provide our players with the best experience possible which is made easier when we can be completely organized with coaches, jerseys and equipment before the season starts. Please understand that we really do not want to be collecting the $50 late fee, we would very much prefer that everyone registers by the deadlines.
If my child does not like soccer, can I get a refund?
- Requests for refunds must be made in writing to the Pinnacles FC office administrator: pinnaclesfc.office1@gmail.com
- Refunds will be prorated and less the $30 administration fee.
- Refunds are only given to players canceling registration for the purpose of not returning to the program.
- There will be a $50 NSF fee for any cheques being returned.
Is there financial assistance available for players?
Players may request financial assistance through the Jumpstart or Kidsport programs.
http://jumpstart.canadiantire.ca/ or http://www.kidsportcanada.ca/.
What days of the week are practices?
Please see our website under the Program tab all practice times by region.
Can International Students play in the league?
INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS: In January 2018 a change has been brought forward where there is a possibility of International Students playing in our league. The entire document is found HERE - please specifically look towards the bottom of page 5 where it says as copied below. The form that needs to be completed and submitted with the documentation is found HERE (please note there is a $105 fee apparently charged for this - not by PFC).
*NEW* Minors who are Exchange Students
Typically exchange students are ineligible to apply for an ITC because they must have at least one parent in Canada with them; however, the FIFA Players Status Committee may, on a case-by-case basis, review an application to grant approval to request a minor exchange student’s ITC, providing one of the following very specific circumstances apply and the club the minor player intends on registering with has no professional team, is strictly amateur, and has no financial, legal, or de facto links to a professional club:
NOTE: even if the following circumstances apply, there is no guarantee that FIFA will grant approval
- The duration of the player’s academic study abroad program and the duration of the player’s envisaged club registration is less than a year; or
- The duration of the player’s academic study abroad program is longer than a year, but the player is turning 18 in less than a year; or
- The duration of the player’s academic study abroad program is longer than a year, but there is less than a year of the program
If applying to the FIFA Players Status Committee, all of the mandatory documentation listed below must be included with the application:
Proof of Birth (Birth Certificate) of the player;
- Proof of identity and nationality of the player (passport);
- Proof of identity and nationality of the player’s parents (parents’ passports);
- Documentation of the Exchange Program (name, purpose, funding, duration, ) provided by the exchange program;
- Registration form for the exchange program (as completed by the parents and the minor player);
- Confirmation of the player's return to his home country (signed declaration by the parents or the exchange program that the minor player will return to his home country upon completion of the exchange program);
- Documentation of academic education;
- Confirmation of player’s participation from the academic institute in home country;
- Documentation of accommodation and care;
- Status of new club and duration of registration;
- Status of the player with the former club;
- Authorization of host parents; and
- Parental authorization
This process can take anywhere from two to six weeks to receive a decision (or longer, depending on the complexity of the case). Please note that provisional ITCs cannot be issued for the player during this application process. The FIFA Players Status Committee may also request additional documentation to what is listed above.
- Provisional Certificates for ITC applications of minors are only provided in cases where the player will be registering strictly as an amateur with an amateur club with no legal, financial, or de facto links to a professional club.
- CSA DOES NOT communicate directly with District Associations, Clubs, players, or parents regarding ITC applications, questions, or status checks; they only communicate with the provincial body (BC Soccer).