Pinnacles Football Club Association – South Okanagan District is a non-profit community soccer association whose mission is to provide soccer players, coaches, officials and parents in the South Okanagan area with programs and opportunities to learn, play and develop regardless of age, gender or ability. The Association aims to ensure that these opportunities are granted in a safe, fun and supportive manner while encouraging fair play and development in the sport of soccer.
Pinnacles Football Club Association also known as PFC Association. Formally known as SOYSA (South Okanagan Youth Soccer Association).
The term “Team Official” shall mean a person who holds a position of a Coach, Assistant Coach, Trainer or Manager with a team in the District.
The term “Board” shall mean the Board of Directors of the Association.
The term “Directors” shall mean those persons who have become directors of the Association in accordance with these bylaws and have not ceased to be directors.
The term “Club” shall mean an organization which is registered with the province of British Columbia as a society, sole proprietor, partnership or incorporation; and, operating a minimum of four soccer teams.
The term “Society” shall mean Pinnacles Football Club Association. An organization or club formed for a particular purpose or activity.
The term “TOYSL” shall mean the Thompson Okanagan Youth Soccer League. This is the league for District teams to play in.
Pinnacles Football Club Association is an incorporated Society that is compliant with the BC Societies Act. PFC Association maintains compliance by filing its constitution and annual reports with the Society Act.
The PFC Association Board of Directors has the authority to establish rules, regulations, and policies to guide the operation of the association.
The PFC Association team officials abide by the BC Soccer Rules & Regulations and the TOYSL Rules & Regulations.
The PFC Association abides by the BC Soccer, and TOYSL Constitutions and the following Canada Soccer and BC Soccer Policies: Conduct, Ethics and Discipline Standards Policy, and Procedures; Concussion Policy; Criminal Record Check Policy; Discipline Sanction Policy; Playing Up Policy & Regulation; Travel Policy; Privacy Policy; Social Media Policy; Lightning Safety/ Severe weather policy; Players Wearing Cast Policy and Insulin Pump Policy.
Pinnacles FC Administration shall be responsible for forwarding BC Soccer’s Customer Relationship Management (CRM) template to any Member Club. Each Member Club is responsible for submitting their organization’s player and team official registration data.
Criteria for New Club Membership: All applications must be reviewed and considered in accordance with Pinnacles Football Club Association’s constitution and bylaws.
- Must register a minimum of 44 players, of which players moving in mass from other club teams (i.e. more than 50% of the teams registered players) may not be considered in the minimum count. At least 30% (13 of 44) of the players should be substantially new to soccer (i.e. not registered with another club during the previous calendar year).
- Have both male and female programming.
- Meet BC Soccer Club Charter Program Standard 1 by 3rd year of operation.
- Prospective clubs must submit a $10 000 performance bond with their application, 50% to be returned June 30th after the successful completion of the first year, the balance returned June 30th of the second year if all obligations of membership have been met.
- New clubs are required to submit their most recent financial statements, as reviewed by an independent review committee consisting of not less than three persons, or from a CPA likened in public practice.
- Player development program adheres to the Long Term Player Development priorities for the respective stages they deliver programming for.
- New clubs will NOT be eligible to apply for the District’s Top Tier competition (i.e. TOYSL); players wanting to pay at this level MUST play for Pinnacles FC Excelsior Academy.
Applications for New Club membership are reviewed by the Pinnacles Football Club Association Membership Committee and subject to final approval by the Pinnacles Football Club Association Board of Directors.
Those participating in sanctioned soccer have a duty and responsibility to conduct themselves appropriately respecting the F.I.F.A. Laws of the Game and as well as the rules of BC Soccer and of Pinnacles Football Club Association. These laws and rules are published and readily available. Rule 10 of the BC Soccer Rules and Regulations clearly lays out BC Soccer’s broad responsibility to ensure the proper conduct of all individuals involved in sanctioned soccer.
Disciplinary sanctions and fines are determined by the BC Soccer Conduct Ethics and Discipline Standards Policy and Procedures and Discipline Sanction Policy.
There is zero tolerance for verbal or physical abuse of referees. Consequences include parent removal from games and fines for anyone engaging in referee abuse.
Team officials are responsible for the conduct of their spectators and players.
Team officials are responsible for the conduct of their spectators and players.
Team officials, players, or spectators must not criticize the game officials, other spectators, or players of the other team at any time.
As per BC Soccer Risk Management Policy, all Pinnacles Football Club Association and all Member Clubs affiliated with PFC Association aged 19 years or older must have a cleared and/or completed Criminal Record Check and/or Vulnerable Sector Check or Enhanced Police Information Check on file in accordance with BC Soccer’s Criminal Record Check Policy.
Clubs may apply for their teams to play in the PFC Spring South Okanagan Community Youth League.
Clubs agree to pay for any registration fees and/or fines that said teams may incur. Clubs are responsible to ensure that the information submitted at the time of registration is accurate.
By registering and joining the Pinnacles FC community league, the team is agreeing that all participants, players, coaches and managers will adhere to the BC Soccer Conduct, Ethics and Discipline Standards Policy and Procedures.
Players or Teams wishing to play at the District’s Top Tier of competition (i.e. TOYSL); MUST be registered with Pinnacles FC Excelsior Academy.
Clubs (not District) are responsible for booking and paying for Field Use through each individual Municipality in the South Okanagan.
Any team/and or club, which, through its responsible officers or representatives, attempts to induce a registered player of a team under the jurisdiction of BC Soccer to leave the team before the completion of the team’s league, cup, or provincial cup commitments, shall be deemed to have committed an offense. If the alleged offense involves two (2) teams that are members of the same District the matter shall be addressed by Pinnacles Football Club Association. If the alleged offense involves two (2) teams that are members of separate Districts, the matter shall be addressed by BC Soccer’s Judicial Committee.
- All referees classified as “Provincial”, “Regional”, “District”, “Youth” or “Small Sided” Referees shall be under the control and jurisdiction of BC Soccer.
- All individuals wishing to become a BC Soccer registered referee or maintain their BC Soccer registered referee status must complete the appropriate referee course as delivered by BC Soccer.
- Referees who are 19 years of age or older must also comply with the Association’s Criminal Record Check Policy requirements in order to become a referee or maintain their registration status.
- No person shall officiate as a referee in any competition under the sanction or jurisdiction of BC Soccer which is not on the official list of BC Soccer, but if for unforeseen circumstances a referee on the official list is unable to act, the teams affected shall agree on some other person in the emergency.
- Complaints regarding conduct by or against referees shall be made in writing to the Judicial Chair of BC Soccer.
- The referee shall have the power to decide the fitness of the grounds in all matches and the decision shall be final.