

Pinnacles FC has a very rich history that dates back to 1954 starting with the Adult Penticton Soccer Club PSC. In the early 60's the PSC started youth soccer.
What makes PFC so special is that many of our members have been involved in the Club since the beginning. The combination of loyalty, passion and the love for football has created a Club today that is cutting edge on and off the field, from our playing philosophy to our facilities. We are currently in the process of creating a book on our Club History, stay tuned for a biography of our Club and the Adult Penticton Soccer Club.


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Pinnacles FC

Contact Us

We’re here to assist you! Please use the appropriate contact for your inquiry:

Administration Inquiries: admin@pinnaclesfc.ca

Programming Inquiries: info@pinnaclesfc.ca

Technical Director: td@pinnaclesfc.ca

(Please note: Parents should reach out to their team coaches or managers first for any concerns before contacting the Technical Director.)

Administration Office 

550 Eckhardt Ave W
Penticton, BC V2A 2B5

(t) 778-476-5888


Tuesday - Thursday 4:00pm - 6:00pm 

Saturday 9:00am - 12:00pm

Closed on Stat Holidays. 

Times are seasonal and may change without notice.